We live in a world where transferable skills are portrayed as an everyday fact of life. One would assume that an English teacher would at least find blogging an easy domain to transfer into.
Alas, this is not the case.
Blogging is more then just “pen to paper”. In the age of technology, hyper communication which evolves quicker than nature can keep up with. I now feel the full force of the word “generation gap” and I’ve only just entered my thirties.
What vexes me more is my inability to accept the standard templates (which are provided). My life would be a lot easier if I simply chose, clicked, saved and wrote.
Instead I make a concerted effort to dive into the world of HTML. I want to impart a sense of myself into the blog. They say a picture speaks a thousand words. I didn’t realise in the world of blogging, it took a thousand words to “insert” the picture.
I’ve come to realise that Blogging is not just words, it’s not just a different form of publication. It’s a space that I have limited access to. I am confined by the space that the drop down icons and templates provide me. Unlike a notebook where I can draw and add what ever I like that springs from my mind; a blog is a page with a delicate temperament.
A blog requires more than imagination alone. It requires Photoshop, Illustrator, a website to upload images, correct HTML coding for minor adjustments. How naive of me to believe my friend when he said "Chris, you only need words".
Forgive me if my blog lacks imagination. It’s just that I lack the current skills to make it anything more than a template.
Times have changed indeed! But all you need is time to enter the world of "HTML language"!
I enjoyed your piece "guess what happen to me" because it was personal and I could find things to relate with - I don't even know what HTML stands for!
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